

LAMP Field School: Student Perspective

2023-04-24T16:11:38-04:00July 27th, 2018|

The Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program (LAMP) field school has successfully concluded. We had students from across the country come to the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum  to learn about underwater archaeology, enhance their diving skills and help excavate our the Anniversary Wreck site and at several other shipwreck locations. By Mily Llanos and Amy Green The first week at LAMP was probably one of the most nerve wracking things that any of the students [...]

IN THE NEWS: Recent blogs that feature the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum

2018-07-27T11:44:02-04:00July 27th, 2018|

  https://adventuresofmom.com/top-things-to-do-in-st-augustine-for-families/ https://thecreativesahm.com/2018/08/14/st-augustine-florida-a-historical-gem/ Must-Visit Florida Lighthouses for a Date Day Trip Orlando Date Night Guide https://www.orlandodatenightguide.com/2018/07/florida-lighthouses-near-orlando/ Things to do in St. Augustine: A Look at Florida's Historic Coast Daily Dream 360 https://www.dailydream360.com/things-to-do-in-st-augustine-a-look-at-floridas-historic-coast/#Hilton_St_Augustine St. Augustine Lighthouse and Maritime Museum by Night Simply St. Augustine http://www.simplystaugustine.com/historic-st-augustine/st-augustine-lighthouse-and-maritime-museum-by-night/ Florida bucket list: 20 things you have to do in the Sunshine State Detroit Free Press https://ux.freep.com/story/travel/destinations/2018/07/16/florida-attractions-things-do/785157002/ A Day Trip in St. Augustine, Florida: 8 Things To Do and Eat The Travelling [...]