

Press Release: St. Augustine City Comission Honors Life-Saving Lighthouse Employee

2013-05-13T12:34:44-04:00May 13th, 2013|

St. Augustine City Commission Honors Life-Saving Lighthouse Employee Mike Barclay, historical interpreter at the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Museum, was honored at Monday’s City Commission meeting for using the Heimlich maneuver to save a guest’s life. ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA. – In his position as historical interpreter for the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Museum, Mike Barclay enjoys spending his days outdoorsandsharing the light station’s history with guests. But one April afternoon, in the museum courtyard, Barclay’s [...]

Press Release: Ponte Vedra Beach Schooner Wreck Identified by Lighthouse Archeaologists

2013-03-25T12:24:29-04:00March 25th, 2013|

Ponte Vedra Beach Schooner Wreck Identified by Lighthouse Archeaologists Archaeologists from the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Museum determined that the 1947 wreck found near Mickler’s Landing is that of the Deliverance, a schooner from Bermuda. ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA. – Submerged in the water’s edge just south of Mickler’s Landing in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., the skeleton of an old schooner has been haunting archaeologists at the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Museum for four years. After [...]

Press Release: Archaeologists Utilize X-Ray Technology to Uncover Shipwreck Secrets

2013-02-26T12:33:23-05:00February 26th, 2013|

Archaeologists Utilize X-Ray Technology to Uncover Shipwreck Secrets With the help of Flagler Hospital and Monahan Chiropractic, archaeologists from the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Museum are piecing together a shipwreck puzzle with artifact x-rays. ST. AUGUSTINE, FL. – Clustered around a computer screen, a team of archaeologists and radiology technicians anxiously wait for today’s technology to reveal yesterday’s secrets. When the black and white images finally appear, the insides of a concreted artifact recovered from [...]

Cute Lighthouse Video

2010-07-11T11:16:23-04:00July 11th, 2010|

Cute lighthouse video from the Responsibility Project. It highlights the relationship between a lighthouse and its community in a really neat way, and is worth a watch!

Maritime Research and the Oldest Port

2009-10-30T06:01:21-04:00October 30th, 2009|

Someone told me this week that Gloucester, MA was America's Oldest Seaport. Good for them, congratulations. St. Augustine, FL is the "Nation's Oldest Port" and those things are quite different. What we mean when we say Nation's Oldest Port is that we are the oldest continually occupied European (A Port is a European concept) economic and defensive sea-hub in the Continental US, or put another way in any of the 50 states in the United [...]

Lighthouse Lens Restored

2008-09-22T13:50:09-04:00September 22nd, 2008|

Check out the great news video on the restoration of the Ship Island Lighthouse lens from Biloxi by clicking on “Continue Reading . . .” below. […]

Days of Discovery Summer Camp 2008

2008-08-11T14:19:15-04:00August 11th, 2008|

It seems like only yesterday that Days of Discovery Summer Camp 2008 began, and yet here we are saying goodbye. Kathleen, Kyle, Trevor, and I, along with everyone here at the Lighthouse & Museum, would like to thank all of our campers for making our summer so enjoyable. We hope every child had as much fun in camp as we did. We’re already looking forward to Lighthouse Summer Camp 2009. Watch our website for details. [...]

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