

Oddities and Possibilities

2007-02-02T13:56:10-05:00February 2nd, 2007|

Time to rant: Why do you become the possessor of the ruby slippers when you are the cause of death of the true owner???? The sister seems the likely one to inherit! Time to be amazed: The lady who ordered a BLT and very carefully and slowly explained that she wanted it with bacon, lettuce and tomato. Time for twists on possibilities: I work at the St. Augustine Lighthouse. We are considered the most haunted [...]

Ken Black, Mr. Lighthouse, Leaves Us

2007-02-01T14:37:56-05:00February 1st, 2007|

The Director of the Maine Lighthouse Museum passed-over this week. I thought I'd take time to share a little about him. When the Florida Lighthouse Association this last weekend I talked and listened mostly to David D'Amicol tell some stories that involved both he and Ken and various USCG exploits during nor-easters on the Great Lakes. What brave guys!. I did not write this, but here is a snip from Ken's life history from his [...]

Happiest of Songs

2007-01-31T13:43:15-05:00January 31st, 2007|

There are songs that inspire, songs that comfort and songs that cheer you…..,but one of the happiest of songs is the “Linus and Lucy” dance song from the Charlie Brown Christmas Special. This song brightens my outlook on life! I’m not the only one that reacts this way: On week-ends I serve coffee and snacks at the St. Augustine Lighthouse. I am away from the office so I play music. Last week-end I had customers [...]

Hello World!

2007-01-29T19:27:36-05:00January 29th, 2007|

Hello world… or more likely, Hello Mom and Dad this is my blog. My name is Beau Yukio Phillips, I am 27, a University of Alabama Grad, an Air Force Brat, and somehow my first job, in my chosen career field, wound up being at a lighthouse. What are the odds? Some of you may be thinking, “what would a PR guy do at a lighthouse?” Good question, it’s the one I asked when I [...]

My Birthday is Here. Yuk. Well maybe not.

2007-01-25T16:46:21-05:00January 25th, 2007|

I am only five years away from 50. Some might think I'd be shy about talking about this. Not so. I find I am more comfortable with myself the older I become. It is fine with me to be 45. I would not trade it in for 22. Maybe 28...Maybe 32...but no...I think not.....hmmm? We have a Florida’s LH Association meeting the next day and are planting a tree here in memory of a dear [...]

The New Governor’s Staff Called!!!

2007-01-18T08:15:15-05:00January 18th, 2007|

The Governor is interested in learning more about issues that Florida’s Lighthouses face! Wow, how exciting! How humbling! And it is kind of scary! What an opportunity to share our work and vision. Florida's lighthouses face futures which are both glorious and struggling. Some are stars like well St. Augustine or Ponce or Jupiter or Key West. Others are mired in paper work, red tape and other issues, like Egmont or Mayport. The Coast Guard [...]

Wake Forest Was in the Orange Bowl.

2007-01-06T10:34:42-05:00January 6th, 2007|

The WFU football team had a great year. Turns out I love football. My husband has me watching and playing fantasy football and I love it. I’m competitive, so it’s fun to win and I hate to loose. So, when our College team was in the Orange Bowl we celebrated. It is an academic school without a huge football program. We have a song by Steely Dan, about loosing, "Deacon Blues." We only have about [...]

Starting to Blog…Speaking Directly

2006-12-24T11:24:26-05:00December 24th, 2006|

Why do I choose to be an Executive Director (ED)of a lighthouse? I ask myself that sometimes. I really have to say it is truly as good as you think most days. Some days it is frustrating when you can’t get everything done that you want to in a day, but then what job isn’t that way? Shall I introduce myself? I’m Kathy Fleming. I’m a girl from the mountains of NC. My mom taught [...]

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