
Historical Research

Lighthouse History 1874 – 1894 (Part II)

2015-01-21T12:10:02-05:00January 21st, 2015|

This third installment in our ongoing series on the history of the St. Augustine Lighthouse continues the story of lighthouse keeper William Harn and his wife, Kate.Click below to read previous installments of the series:Lighthouse History Pre-1874Lighthouse History 1874-1894 (Part I)Charleston, SC 1860… The presence of a (now) foreign army on their land was untenable for the newly independent South Carolina. Upon succession, US. Army Major Robert Anderson evacuated Fort Moultrie after sabotaging the military [...]

Lighthouse History 1874 – 1894 (Part I)

2014-12-17T13:24:18-05:00December 17th, 2014|

This second installment in the ongoing series on the history of the St. Augustine Lighthouse begins with the construction of the current lighthouse in 1874 and takes us to the story of William Harn and his family, the first head keeper’s family to live in the current Keepers’ House. Click below to read previous installments of the series:Lighthouse History Pre-18741874 – 1894: Designing a New Lighthouse By 1874, the lighthouses popping up along the Atlantic [...]

Lighthouse History Pre-1874

2014-11-18T13:22:12-05:00November 18th, 2014|

For 140 years, the St. Augustine Lighthouse has presented its beacon to sailors along the nation’s First Coast. It’s seen keepers and families come and go, witnessed the construction and removal of auxiliary structures, and adapted to new and innovative technologies, all while the community around it expands and evolves. This series of blog posts will explore that history, 20 (or so) years at a time. Pre – 1874 The story of the current St. [...]

Pedro Menéndez: Coming of Age and First Sea Action

2014-09-23T11:00:46-04:00September 23rd, 2014|

Click here to read the first installation of this series on Pedro Menéndez de Avilés. When writing about an historical character, it is important to discuss the sources one uses. When writing about Juan Ponce de León’s 1513 voyage of discovery to Florida, the Spanish historian Antonio de Herrera was of critical importance since his writings about the 1513 voyage were the only ones known to have been written using primary source documentation kept by [...]

The Birth of Pedro Menéndez de Avilés and Franco-Spanish Relations

2014-09-09T13:55:55-04:00September 9th, 2014|

As we approach 2015, the 450th anniversary of the founding of our city, many members of the public are becoming interested in knowing more about the people and events that culminated in the founding of St. Augustine, the nation’s oldest port. Below is the first in a series of posts that will share some of our fascinating history for all to enjoy.  ……… In the year 1519 Juan Ponce de León’s eldest daughter Juana was [...]

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