I know a lot of folks have noticed that our LAMPosts Blog, and indeed the entire Keeper’s Blog, have been off the air for some time. I’ve gotten emails from former field school students wondering where their blog entries where, and phone calls from long-time friends of LAMP wondering why the links to us on Google are all dead. At the same time, lots of folks noticed the new look to our webpage, and were invariably impressed. Not surprisingly, the sudden loss of the blog in cyberspace was related to the new webpage and server switch. Well, the good news is . . . the blog is back baby! We’re back online and I’ve put up a few posts in the last few days. There’s lots more to get on there, as we’ve just finished our field school which climaxed with the raising of two cannons which gained international media attention, and we’ve already begun our next project, an extended expedition to search for shipwrecks off the coast of Jacksonville to the north of St. Augustine. The bad news is that the server switch has resulted in the temporary loss of a lot of the images that were on the blog, and also the new webpage is not yet up to speed; we’re missing lots of information and pictures there. So everyone please be patient with us and know that we are promising more and greater things to come on our webpage and blog! As I write this I am out on the research vessel Roper, armed with a new wireless internet device that (intermittently, at least) to communicate with the outside world (and check the weather radar) while out conducting survey. Stay tuned . . .