Hello everyone! The Man of Science at your service…aka…Paul Wenglowsky. Here’s some background info for everyone. I was born in Chicago, IL (go White Sox and Bears!), but moved to Wisconsin (go Badgers!). I’m an alumnus of both UW-Whitewater (BS-History) and UW-Milwaukee (Masters-Public History/Museum Studies). Quickly following graduation from Milwaukee I was whisked away from the Milwaukee Public Museum to become the Director of Maritime Education for the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Museum.
Can I say that I LOVE MY JOB loud enough? I don’t think so. It allows me the freedom and opportunity to present, to the 54,000 plus children that visit us each year, programs that are not only fun, but also more importantly educational. Too many rules and restrictions guide our school systems today, but in the informal arena we are not so hindered.
So now you must be wondering why is he blogging? I’m doing this to show you that there are more things going on here than climbing our tower. That we are a museum and not an attraction. Feel free to pepper me with questions like how do you handle all of those kids going up the tower? Or, what other things do you do there? For I’ll be happy to answer any of them.
Also, don’t forget to check out the latest traveling exhibit coming to us from the Mariner’s Museum. It’s the S.S. United States. She was the fastest ocean liner ever made and the last by the U.S. Government. It opens on March 2 and will run through April 29.